It has been almost two months since we arrived home as a Family of Five! In my opinion, these past two months has just flown by. Already school has started for Francesca (Kindergarten) and Annabelle will be starting Preschool on the 15th. Where did our summer go...
When I look back, I realize that so much has happened over this past summer. Back in the beginning of June, my very loving grandmother {aka G.G.} passed away. While the news was heart-wrenching, we knew it was only a matter of time before she was called back home. The day before she passed away, we found out from our agency that we would be traveling for our Benjamin within the next 2-3 weeks. Well, we left for China on the 23rd of June and didn't return home until July 10th.
Once we did return home, it seems like everything has been "out of our control".
First off, when I tried to add Benjamin to our health insurance policy, our provider gave us major problems and set backs. After three weeks of battling with them, we finally received notice that he would be added!
-but during this time -
We were rushed from one doctor's office to another to seek out the best medical treatment for our son.
After several visits, and too many to count conversations with our Pediatrician, Dr Cindy Fishman (who we all just love) and one of the top pediatric surgeons of the Washington DC area, Dr David Powell, we all decided that Children's of Washington DC Hospital was the best choice for our son.
So the appointments began...
And we were told that according to the information provided and from what we are all seeing, Benjamin's fistula problems was never corrected and from this he could be experiencing some major health problems...problems with his bowels, problems with his GI system, problems with his spine, a possibility of dwarfism, and most of all problems with his kidneys....worried that if he gets a kidney infection (because of the poop that is still passing through his kidneys) ~ his kidneys WILL shut down. Currently he is one medication to try to prevent this but nothing is full proof.
Since getting this news, our precious little boy has spent a night in Children's emergency room due to a 103.6 fever that we could not get down. Finally after a day of tests, consultations, and prayer - Benjamin's fever broke and we were sent home.
- but -
As we wait for more tests to be ordered, we find ourselves at the mercy of our insurance carrier to approve this tests.
So for now, we are sitting and waiting.
We are currently giving him Fleet enemas every night to try and clean out some of the poop that can NOT pass (it was discovered that his rectum is extremely smaller than normal size) through his rectum. If this doesn't work, he will be given a colostomy bag...which will be in his near future regardless seeing how he will be having surgery to correct his multiple fistulas. We are still not sure of when the surgery will take place but I am sure it will be soon.
As all of this was being "thrown our way" our bond as a family of five has grown extremely strong! Annabelle is loving the fact of having a little brother (to boss around) and she and Benjamin are known in our household as "Frick & Frack" because you rarely see one and not the other. Francesca is loving the fact of being the Big Sis in the house and she has truly been a HUGE help to me with the two younger ones.
So now that I have filled you all in on what's been going on with our little man ~let me share a few photos with you all!
Isn't he just so handsome!

I mean ~ seriously ~ I could just eat him up!

And those tiny {very tiny} toes...A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!