OK, it is Sunday morning already and what have I accomplished this weekend...N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!!! (and still I so want to go back to bed, pull the covers over my head and "wish" that all that needs to be done is done before we leave on Thursday, but we all know that will never happen...) OK, I did get some things done that I wanted to (but not nearly as what was an my list...and yes, I am a "what I need to do" list gal)...I got Annabelle's suitcase 100% packed and ready to go...I did our laundry yesterday so I can pack most of our stuff today, or at least Francesca's stuff today...I ate 1/2 of dozen of Welsh cookies yesterday...and I spent most of the day, reading this great book by Lisa Jackson. I did also get some surprising news too yesterday, Keith's daughter, Amanda, her hubby Andy, and our two grand kids drove up from Virginia for a visit this weekend and I was also informed yesterday that we purchased a house in Derwood, Maryland. When Keith told me the news, I almost fell over! We have been talking about moving back to the D.C. area for some time now so Keith won't have that long drive home every weekend from D.C. and I guess over the course of the last few weeks, he and his boss finally found something "that was interesting". As soon as I heard the words, "we got a house!" all I kept thinking was - as the words flowed out of my hubby's mouth - you expect me to move with all that is going on! TG he saw the "look" on my face and he quickly explained that the house is first going to be totally remodeled before we even step foot into and since the remodeling will be starting by next week (yes, while we are in China), he is thinking it won't be until sometime next spring that we will be moving. I know some of you are probably wondering, "I can't believe her husband purchased a house without her even seeing it" and on that note, I do have to say, Keith knows a lot more about houses than I ever will (that's was he does). As for the remodeling, I trust him to make the best decisions that will work well with the lay out of the house (again, that is what he does) and he so knows what I like and what will work in our budget. The place right now looks nice, but since I know the work that my husband and his crew are capable of, I can see past all the "niceness" and see what it truly can be. It is on an acre of land with a fenced in yard, has four bedrooms, a full finished basement, and three bathrooms (a lot bigger than what we are living in now)...We are planning a visit down to see the house once we return from China with both girls! This should be exciting {sigh}....
Well, we are off to Mass this morning and after that we are back to "getting things done". (poor Honey still needs his bath, never happened yesterday and we still need to get Annabelle's crib up and the girls' room put together). Tomorrow, I again have another full day with getting my nails done, getting my hair cut and colored....FINALLY...and doing some cleaning! Here's to me not loosing my mind today, fighting the urge to finish my book, and get some more packing done!
(Oh ya...I did get our money for the trip all ready and envelopes made out for each expense that will need to be paid when in China...I also finalized our extended stay in Beijing with our travel agent, also planned a 1/2 day tour including the Summer Palace, and I arranged a limo service to pick us up at 10:30 Thursday morning for our ride to the airport...so I guess yesterday wasn't a total bust! Also I got our full itinerary from our agency and as soon as I can, I will update our travel time line accordingly for you all...)