Thursday, August 13, 2009



"Stay strong, have faith, fight the fight for this little boy who has no voice - YOU are his voice!"

These are just a few words that were written in a card sent to me by one of my best friends, Sara. When I was at my darkest hours of feeling very lost and helpless over this whole process, I was reminded of who I am, what needed to be done, and that I have always been strong enough to fight this fight. Our son is waiting for us in China.

Sara, I know I told you time & time again what our friendship means to me. You INSPIRE me every day on how to live my life! I love you so very much and words will never be able to express how much these simple written words mean to me....and how I so needed to 'hear' them just at 'that' moment...You truly are the best and for that I will be forever thankful that you are a part of my life....(and just so you know, I read that card at least 5 times a day. It is what keeps me going ~ knowing that I have you out there who does believe in me, my family, and our waiting son, Benjamin)

(Here is a photo of Sara & her beautiful daughter, Mya! She is truly one of the best...)


Linda ★ Parker's General said...

she is amazing, isn't she?
i am so truely blessed to have her and her family as my own.
good to hear from others that she is working for the Lord through others.

Jodee said...

Sara is such a great gal! What a sweet card!

Hang in there! He will be soooo worth the long wait!

Football and Fried Rice said...

Oh, Shell - make me tear up! You have been such a sweet blessing to me - my special, secret pal - the one who encouraged me in the whole adoption from China process :) It was SO awesome getting our girls "together" last year and I absolutely cannot wait to see Benjamin come home (and I am STILL on board for that trip, you know!) What a great time for us to meet :)

Love you,