Monday, January 11, 2010



OK picture this...ME not being able to do anything for almost one whole week while trying to get our house ready for a vacation that is happening in a matter of four days and trying to start packing for four people ~ that is what happen to ME last week. I got hit with an acute sinus infection - double ear infection - fever - cough - basically you name it I had it! I couldn't do anything but move myself from the bed to the couch. If it wasn't for Keith, Francesca would not have attended school all of last week, the girls would have never eaten lunch (or supper for that matter) and I would have never made it to the doctor's on Thursday to find out what was going on {inside my body} and get some strong meds to treat it. The photo above (while it is not me but my beautiful daughter Francesca) shows exactly what position I was in most of the week.

Today is Monday and I am finally starting to feel better. I am not 100% but I am getting there. I hope to be catching up with you all so very soon.


Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Glad you are feeling better in time for the big trip!! Sounds like you were down for the count...... I know you are going to have a fantastic trip!! I can only imagine the excitiment brewing in your house:)

Luv Ya,


Football and Fried Rice said...

I am sorry that you were sick (you still sound like crap by the way) - I think, though, that I would not have minded spending the week on the couch :) It looks REALLY comfy!

Disney is going to be SO awesome - I can't wait until you get home to share your memories!!


p.s. Thanks for calling today to vent - I was with you 100% on that one! Call me anytime!

Jodee said...

Oh no! You poor thing! What bad timing! I hope you are feeling better soon!

Cute picture of your little couch potato!

Chasing Dreams Photography said...

You poor thing {{{{hug}}}} I am happy that you are feeling better.

Sue said...

Glad you are feeling better and hope you are kicking butt with the packing!!

Have an awesome trip!!!