Friday, January 8, 2010

once again ~ our time line....

Seeing how we are now 100% packed away from Christmas and {OK confession to make here...I actually started on December 28th and was finished by December 30th which is so not me ~ yes I must admit I am one of those crazy Christmas lovers that keep the decorations up & lite until January 2nd BUT seeing how...} we are in HIGH gear of excitement over our very anticipated Disney trip, I though I would give you all a "status report" (or time line) of where we are at in our paper chasing for Benjamin...

- We FINALLY received our approved 797C on December 28th! The original was copied and that copy was notarized the same day!

- We went to Harrisburg PA to have our last.two.documents. certified by the State of Pennsylvania on Monday January 4th!

- By January 5th, our last.two.documents. were "over-nighted" to our courier service, Legal Eaze in NYC, to have SAME DAY authentication service...

- They were than sent DIRECTLY to our agency in Colorado (thinking the last.two.documents. arrived at our agency on January 7th)!

- So now we are waiting...waiting on a review from our agency and praying for a DTC before we leave for Disney on the 15th....

(we "heard" that we were approved by USCIS on December 22nd...and because of the holiday ~ and major snow storms or at least we think ~ we didn't receive our USCIS approval until 6.days.later. Sometimes, life just isn't fair, but I am taking it as it comes. Maybe we'll see quick LOA, TA, and CA and travel in record time April or May or even June...only time will tell...)

Anyway, that is where we are at! On our end, it appears that our paper chasing for Benjamin has ended (do you hear the cheering from our amazing band of supporter ~ we love you all!) AND I will keep you all posted on these dates that will follow...DTC and LID!

Love you all and finally an end to our paper chasing days....


Krista said...

Hurray!!! So glad to hear the paperchase is done! Let's have a party to celebrate! ;-)

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

WHOOO HOOOOOO!! I am happy the "AMAZING CHASE" is over:)

I left you another VM the other day..... I was worried when I didn't hear back from you...thought you might have been down for the count. I knew you were not feeling well. If you have some time this weekend or even on Monday, give me a call!! I bet you are all excited for Disney!!

Luv Ya,


Bushnell Girls said...

Yahoo! We are praying that your paperwork will have wings! Bring that little boy home!

Sue said...


Look forward to reading your DTC and LID dates! Now go enjoy Disney!!