Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Our little "tomboy"

Sometimes, Francesca is such the "tomboy". Today (while we were visiting her Aunt Lisa's house) was one of those days that she got down & dirty...literally! Check out these photos! Her face, hands, and clothes are so dirty...and she had a bath before we made our visit. I guess you can say once we got home, she had to have another one.

I wasn't planning on posting anything else until we got back from our visit to the beach this coming week, but I just couldn't resist.


Unknown said...

I am so glad you posted!

Headmeister said...

I love the pic! And btw, I still love your blog... it's one the my fav's that I've done :)

Hope you are well...

LaLa said...

Love it...glad you are a "cool" mom who allows such things. Hey, kids are meant to be dirty sometimes...fun times