I have been tagged by one of my wonderful blogger friends, Lisa at
The Long Road To China. Here is the task...Describe your life in only 6 words!
(I have to admit, when I first read the rules of this tag, I thought it would be a piece of cake, but it is way harder than I thought)
OK....here mine goes....
Organizer...Overwhelming...CareTaker....Artist...Good Tipper.
This was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be when I first saw this tag, but after thinking about it, 'I think' I summed up my life the best that I could.
The Organizer is an easy one. I am just that type of person...everything around me must be organized! At times, this is not always easy for me because Keith is not the most organized person and he will admit he relies on me way too much . I handle 99% of everything that goes on in our family and home. You name it....I organize/handle it.
Overwhelming...seeing how I am living in PA while Keith is working in D.C. most of the week, my life does feel overwhelming at times. There are days that I am handling (and these are just a few), trying to be 'the wife', taking care of Francesca, running a smooth household, trying to be the best daughter I can be for my mom through this very difficult time with my grandma, my sister's cheerleader, a friend to many, great Avon rep (I bet you guys didn't know that one...I have been selling Avon since 2004 and my business has grown beyond my expectations), bill payer & check book balancer, which is a job I really don't want but being the organizer, I am better at it than Keith...and so much more! Boy, just thinking about all that, I am feeling a little 'overwhelmed'.
Caretaker...again another easy one. My family comes to mind first with this one. I wanted to list mother and wife, but the word 'caretaker' fits me better. I don't only care for my family, but I also try my best to help my mother, grandmother, sister, and all our friends. I try to help anyone and everyone who needs help from me...trying to be the one who takes care of everything.
Artist...As many of you know, I love to draw, paint, and create. Since bring Francesca home, I haven't focus on it as much as I would like to, but it is still so thrilling to see invitations come in the mail from all over the United States, inviting me to show one of my painting in their artist exhibit. I did do a gallery show here in NEPA about a year a ago after receiving an invitation and my piece sold for nice sum of money. I just wish I had more time to myself (and a room in our house to call my studio) to be able to do so....I miss it so.
Good Tipper...If it wasn't for my husband Keith, I would never be listing this as a label of my life. Keith believes in going above and beyond in 'the rule of tipping' and he does it in a way that makes everyone he tips feel like you have just done him this huge favor and he is so grateful for you taking the time to do so. It amazed me when I would watch him do this (because he is so not tacky about the whole thing) and I learned and became a good tipper as well (just ask our "Thursday night out" bar-tender, who takes excellent care of us). Keith also showed me that if you get good service, show them you enjoyed their service...leave a good tip!
Now here are 6 words for you that I just had to steel from Lisa's blog...because I too feel..
So Blessed To Have This Life!
And how true that statement is! There are days I want to so badly run in the other direction when life gets a little out-of-control, but knowing that I am so loved, needed, relied on, and living the life that I never thought possible (and having the best that I could ever ask for)...I am truly blessed!
Needing to tag 5 more people...here mine go!
Sara at
Football and Fried RiceColleen at
The Crazy Eight Sue at
Biddle BloggersLinda at
Parker's Paradiseand
Janelle at
Wise TailsHere are the rules...you need to describe your life in 6 words....link back to me and tag 5 other people (Leave them a comment to let them know you tagged them)...It is that easy!