Monday, June 30, 2008


Uncle Owen, Aunt Amy, and Katie finally made it to PA on Saturday around 7:30PM and since than we have been having a blast! As most of you know, the relationship between our two families is truly "a red thread connection" that has lasted almost three years...since that first email between us mothers after receiving our referrals for our daughters ...than finding out that that both girls were from the same orphanage...and that we would be traveling together...and that our two families would be together for that truly special moment of holding our daughters for the very first time! The girls have really come into a friendship of sisterhood that we can not even understand. We, the Leonard's, are so totally blessed to have such wonderful & beautiful people in our lives....and the chance for Francesca and Katie to continue share that bond of their "sisterhood" that joined this friendship between two families from the beginning and is still growing...

I promise I'll have photos to post of the girls soon....


Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

That is so terrific that the girls have each other and that you remain close as families.....can't wait to see the pictures!


Football and Fried Rice said...

It is going to be a great visit!!!