Monday, February 1, 2010

LID!!!! LID!!!!! LID!!!!!

We finally got word today that our LID is January 26th!!! Getting ready to send out a care package! Oh you will never know how bad I needed to hear some good news today...

LID ~ January 26th


Heather said...

YAY!!! Congrats! I hope your wait flies by and you are meeting your son soon;)

Heather (FL)
another Luoyang mommy

Football and Fried Rice said...



Football and Fried Rice said...

I'm a Luoyang Mommy too!!!!!!!

Small World :)

Or not.

Courtney said...

Yay! Congratulations!!

Jodee said...

Whooo hoooo! Doing the happy dance here!

Love Letters To China said...

Congratulations!! I know you've been waiting so long for that date.

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

SO happy for you my friend!! You will be getting on that plane in no time:)



Marla said...


Bushnell Girls said...

Wow! I missed a day of internet, and look at all of the news and darling photos that I had to catch up on! Congratulations - another hurdle cleared on the journey to your little boy!
Loved reading about your mom and sis. Tell "Grandma" hello from the bushnell girls.