Sunday, January 6, 2008

I bet you all thought I feel off the face of the Earth...

There are times, I wished I did! Life here at the Leonard household has been crazy! With Christmas 2007 and New Year's 2008 now in the past, I am finally feeling like I could move forward! We finally got all of our Christmas decorations taken down today, and now I am onto planning Francesca's 3rd Birthday party...Here's how that's going....

On the 19th...we are taking Francesca to see Disney's Princesses On Ice show at our local venue.

On the 20th (her actually Birthday)...we are planning a dinner with family & friends at a local restaurant (one of her favorites) to celebrate Francesca' birthday.

On the 21st...Francesca will have a little Birthday party at her school...

And on the 26th...we will wrap up all the celebration with a party at Chuck E. Cheese!

You swear she was celebrating a milestone birthday or something (but I waited too long to be doing all of this for my daughter...).

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

(Francesca finally decided on what type of party she wants to have...a Mulan party! Now that's one I could handle. When she was telling us that she wanted a "Faith Hill" party, I didn't know what we were going to do, but Mulan it is!)

I'll have some photos from Christmas to post later on this coming week. I hate to admit this, but they are still on my camera waiting to be downloaded...I have been so bad and so lazy with almost everything that has to do with my laptop and it so unlike me.


Football and Fried Rice said...

You are right, you waited WAY too long to have a little girl to celebrate birthdays with - you do AS MUCH and AS OFTEN as you wish for Francesca!! Can't wait to see pics of it all!

Love ya & miss ya!

LaLa said...

Hope she has a wonderful birthday...sounds like fun celebrating going on!!

Unknown said...

Glad all is well with you -- was wondering!

We go 'over the top' for Chloe's birthdays, too! Life is short - party big!

A Mulan birthday sounds heavenly...can't wait to hear ALL about it. Happy New Year!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Now we have 2 things in common, Francesca and I. We both love Tony Stewart and we both have January birthdays! She should celebrate hers fully and as many times are she can....Little girls should be treated as princesses--Asian princesses would want to be Mulan!
Happy birthday, Francesca! Three is a great age!